The Water List
Filter Of Hope
"Recognizing" the critical need for clean water around the world and the lives this new filter could save and impact, the plan became obvious: to manufacture an affordable and effective point-of-use water filter to provide families in desperate need with all the safe clean water they need. Filter of Hope is passionate about raising awareness and helping solve the global water crisis. We are not a commercial enterprise, we are a nonprofit.” the critical need for clean water around the world and the lives this new filter could save and impact, the plan became obvious: to manufacture an affordable and effective point-of-use water filter to provide families in desperate need with all the safe clean water they need. Filter of Hope is passionate about raising awareness and helping solve the global water crisis. We are not a commercial enterprise, we are a nonprofit.”
Water Is Life
“VISION: Bring clean water to those in need – short and long term – saving lives and transforming communities.
MISSION: To provide life-giving clean water solutions and WASH programs to schools and villages in developing countries through innovative sustainable water solutions in partnership, to scale our impact globally.
The WATERisLIFE Straw is a small, portable filtration device that provides pure, clean drinking water whenever it is immersed into a water source (just like a normal straw). This Straw, however, saves lives on a daily basis by filtering out waterborne diseases – which accounts for over 6,500 deaths every day – 5,000 of those being children.”
“People Water is not a charity or a non-profit organization. We’re a for-profit, cause-based business, committed to alleviating the global water crisis.
We’re a double-bottom-line company. That means that we believe that success goes beyond just turning a profit. We feel we have a responsibility to make a positive impact on our world and community.”
Water For People
“Our goal is simple: water for Everyone, Forever.
The road to permanent water coverage for Everyone Forever is challenging, but the outcomes are easy to root for—more children are in school, more individuals are employed, more families are healthy and thriving, and more communities are collaborating and growing. From there, the impact continues to ripple out on a national and global scale. If we invest more and work more now to create sustainable and replicable water and sanitation infrastructure, we can focus more on our futures…our forever.”
Water Aid
“WaterAid works in 27 of the world’s poorest countries helping communities to set up and manage practical and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene projects. We also campaign locally and internationally to change policy and practice to ensure water and sanitation’s vital role in reducing poverty is recognized.”